Due to AI: University Replaces Bachelor’s Thesis

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As reported by the Czech edition of Forbes, at the Prague University of Economics and Business (PUEB), the bachelor’s theses for students starting their studies in the field of Business Administration in the next academic year will be replaced.

Why are bachelor’s theses at PUEB being replaced?

The Dean of the Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. Ing. Jiří Hnilica, cites the use of AI tools by students, which are difficult to detect, as the main reason. “Therefore, a new form of work will replace the traditional written works, clearly indicating that it is the student’s own work,” explains Dean Jiří Hnilica in the interview with Forbes.

What will replace the bachelor’s thesis as proof of achievement?

Theoretical bachelor’s theses will be replaced by a 10 ECTS bachelor’s project, which can be completed in various ways. Students can choose between an internship at a partner company, founding and managing their own company, or participating in a faculty research project at PUEB. Each option requires the submission of specific results: a detailed report for the internship, proof of company founding and management, or a contribution to a faculty research project.

How are master’s theses secured?

Master’s theses will continue in their existing form at PUEB, but with measures to limit the use of AI. Master’s theses are to be more research-oriented and collect unique data, leaving little room for AI-induced plagiarism. Supervisors will work more closely with students on specific and approved topics, and with fewer theoretical bachelor’s theses, there will be more capacity for supervising master’s theses.

More detailed information can be found in the Forbes interview.

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